We assist in data transformation and AI readiness

Single source of truth

Data consultancy focused on technology leadership,
process transformation and engineering services.

To start journey

Is it the right time for a modern data platform?

Technology scaling, and data driven processes and decisions drive long term business success and competitiveness. Are some constraints below limiting your growth?

  • Is it getting difficult to manage acquisition of new users their lifetime value and cost?
  • Do business users find what data resources are available and have easy access to insights from data?
  • Are there bottlenecks in real-time reporting?
  • How frequently do data systems and infrastructure need an update?
  • How well do you understand your customers
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The transformation journey

We help medium sized businesses to transform their technology infrastructure to adapt for the data and AI world

  • Single source of truth
  • Modern data stack with connected data
  • Insights & access with semantic core and APIs
  • ML & AI readiness a headless intelligence

Transform your readership understanding into actionable growth.

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Consulting & Strategic Services

Experience the power of data through our interactive insights. Transform complex analytics into actionable insights and drive your business to new heights.

  • Go into range of use cases & list of top priority with non-technical stakeholders
  • Deep dive into technical details with engineers
  • Infrastructure, analytics & reporting review
  • Data roadmap and strategy document with implementation plan
  • Architect single source of truth and build data pipeline move cleaned data to a central repository
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Technology and Engineering services

We go into use case details to determine the right technology tools and engineering services

  • Core data model and technology architecture
  • Tools selection
  • Implementation
  • This step sets up the data infrastructure and brings together
  • Provides information on what is available
  • Easy access through direct SQL querying or APIs for downstream usage / analytics

Streamline your data dialogue within your digital workspace.

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Data as managed service

In an ever changing ecosystem, is transition from building to managing a concern? Don’t worry we have got you covered. We can run it as a service till your internal capabilities ramp up

  • Assist internal teams to maintain and improve
  • Keep updated roadmap
  • Implement new capabilities
  • We will manage the data infrastructure and train people
  • Upgrade and ensure accessibility
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About team

The team has wide ranging experience across industries, functions and geographies

  • Entrepreneurial team with experience in setting up and scaling businesses
  • Data engineering and large scale data automation for businesses
  • Product / Platform development
  • Growth (user & revenue) in consumer Internet, media & publishing, financial services
  • Past deployments for clients in media, brand / agencies, financial services, and telco
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Existing tech stack investments leveraged with Fabriq’s out-of-the-box integrations for over 100+ tools and platforms.